Friday, July 23, 2021

Video games can help Veterans recover from mental health challenges


    A recent study has shown that video games have helped Veterans recover from mental health issues. The issues that these soldiers suffer from are PTSD and substance abuse disorders. Most treatments for mental health issues are expensive, and luckily, video games are a very cost-efficient treatment. Some of the participants in this study note that video games help distract them from their symptoms. These symptoms can be drugs, alcohol, and suicidal thoughts. For Veterans, it is not the type of game that helps with recovery. These games allow Veterans to create bonds with other gamers and get distracted from their illnesses. The interviews from this study said that Video games helped Veterans with stress, moods, and socializing. From the study, a 34-year-old male with psychiatric disabilities described how video games helped him get away from his slow-paced life. The games helped manage his moods and relieve stress. He stated, I can't stand solitude, things being slow. I need flashes of light and noise, and 30 billion things going on at once. [With games], sometimes you get so into it you forget to breathe (Richman 2018.) This shows that video games can help not just individuals but Veterans escape reality. In another example, a 46-year-old male explained that relaxing and play sports games allowed him to have time for meaningful discussion. The guy stated that the most important thing to me now is just maintaining a good relationship with my family. And we do it through video games. [I’ve] got a nephew who’s graduating high school. He’s thinking about going to [college]. We’re just talking about it while we’re playing(Richman 2018.)  These games help Veterans build connections and strengthen their socializing skills. Although these games are beneficial in treatment, Veterans must play them in moderation. Video games can become addicting and lead to life problems. 

Resource: Richman, M. (2019, May 22). Video games can help Veterans recover from mental health challenges. U.S Department of Veteran Affairs.

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