Friday, July 16, 2021

Soldiers maintain readiness playing video games

    Since the pandemic, it has been tough for military troops to receive training. Due to social distancing, military troops cannot be close in contact with each other. In addition, Covid-19 tests have to be done frequently to make sure the troops are negative. These tests have affected training severely, but thanks to video games, troops have been able to bounce back! 
         One of the common video game technologies that military troops use is simulators. The games simulate various military equipment such as tanks. They help improve soldiers' readiness, reaction time, and critical thinking. A section leader in the 3rd platoon said that soldiers can practice formations and drills in the games. Although video games have their limits, troops can always work around them. When military troops begin their training on their games, each section leader will have a brief. Their goal is to follow their training throughout the game and evaluate it after. 
          In addition, soldiers are able to articulate their voices on the virtual field. These games allow troops to play together online and work on specific commands/callouts. According to Capt. Mike Manougian, the game helps with the tactical decision-making of leaders and improving crew-level proficiency and repetitions in the troop leading procedures (Kuhn 2020.) As you can see, video games benefit not only gamers but the military too. The simulations just like the ones used for military training are just the beginning. With video game technology increasing yearly, the military will definitely benefit in the upcoming future. 

  Resource: Kuhn, S. (2020, April 29). Soldiers maintain readiness playing video games. U.S Army.Com.

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