Sunday, May 30, 2021

What is going wrong with current cyber security attack systems?

     With cyber security improvements being made on the daily, it can seem like many infrastructures, software’s and companies that are "immune" to the various forms of cyber-attacks. Many granular measures are taken to prevent and secure things; however, a lot of the problems arise when the general “common sense” things are not done as they should be. 


There have been several occurrences of issues that serve as the perfect example of one “simple” thing leading to a disastrous cyber-attack. We can use a recent event as an example, the Colonial hack that exposed the lack of precautionary measures and oversight of the pipeline security.  A federal agency that was supposed to be leading oversight of the pipeline security was supposed to be make efforts to review the current cyber security systems and make necessary improvements and perform necessary tests since 2018. A spokeswoman from the Colonial site said that these directions to perform the review and tune ups just completely did not happen. If the necessary assessments were run and improvements were made, chances of the cyber security attack happening could have been reduced and the disaster that occurred after the attack could have been reduced or prevented as a whole. Of course, it is hard to say for sure if proper procedures were followed, that the cyber-attack would not have happened.


Overall, there are many weaknesses and newfound problems with cyber security systems as time goes on. The main issue of current cyber security systems that lead to them being hacked are simply out of date systems. More emphasis needs to be put on making sure things are as up to date as possible. This greatly reduces the risk of various attacks. If there is simply a need for more workers in order to make this happen then that would be a wise investment.

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