Sunday, May 30, 2021

Post 1- Privacy?

 The vast majority believes that their personal data is less secure these days. Collecting data and personal information poses more of a threat than beneficial. At this point, it feels nearly impossible to live ones daily life without being tracked. Certain applications require you to accept 'Terms and Conditions' and those permissions allow them to access certain information on your device. Many applications have location features constantly running in the background. So even when one thinks that the app is closed out, it is still running and constantly gathering information such as location updates throughout the day. I can see how knowing ones frequent location can be beneficial as far as making certain features more convenient. This could include Google maps saving your frequent locations so that your GPS is preset for when you're ready to travel. Or a more common example could include if one lost their phone or any other device, the last location where the device was active can be found through services such as 'Find My' or Google. While I do think this can be nice to have accessible but overall our privacy outweighs convenience. Suppose if someone was stalking an individual and happened to hack one of their accounts they can easily figure out that individuals frequent location, or even their current one. Snapchat update came with a 'maps' feature which seemed pretty cool at the time. When I finally went to explore the feature, I realized the map was showing my precise location down to which apartment building I was in. This experience was beyond terrifying and I felt that my privacy was violated because I didn't see any logical reason for this information to be displayed to everyone.

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